St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


我们的MBA课程是传统的面对面授课, 校园计划, 哪一种是全日制的还是非全日制的. 我们还提供 完全在线格式.



是什么让我们的MBA课程与众不同? Let's start with the our accreditation by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business.

It's a designation claimed by only 5% of the world's business schools. 它能保证你得到高质量的教育, and it tells prospective employers that you're ready to perform from day one.

Our MBA program comes with something else companies desire in employees today: a skill set resting on pillars of compassion and integrity. 作为一个St. 博纳旺蒂尔毕业, your decision-making will be influenced by the moral and ethical values that define our Franciscan tradition.


太忙了,没时间注册全日制课程? 采取我们的兼职形式,在任何学期开始上课.

Our MBA program is open to eligible students from all undergraduate majors. It is a 42 credit (14 course) program consisting of foundation courses (9 credits), 商业核心课程(12学分), 研究生选修课(14学分)和一门顶点课程(3学分).

  • 兼职/全职
    Full-time students are those registered for a minimum of 9 credits in any semester.

  • 课程表
    Classes are held once a week in the late afternoon (typically 2:30 to 5:10 p.m.)或傍晚时分(晚上6点至8点40分).m.). Students may take up to five courses per semester in a traditional semester-length format.

  • 开始日期
    Students typically enter the program at the beginning of the fall or spring semesters, 虽然夏季入学对大多数学生来说也是可能的.

  • 完成日期
    Most students complete degree requirements in approximately two years. 具有相应学术背景的学生, 然而, 可以在15个月内完成学位要求吗. 一些学生——那些学习成绩好的学生, 具有相应的学术背景, and with flexible schedules — may be able to complete requirements in one year.

学生与圣. 博纳文蒂尔的横幅在中国


The opportunity of a lifetime awaits those who enroll in our 中国研究 program, a two-week summer course that takes you to Beijing and Shanghai in mainland China.

除了参加简报会, 讲座, 文化参观和观光旅游, 你将完成MGT/MBA 646课程. International Business/中国研究, earning three credits toward completion of your MBA. 欲知详情,请浏览 中国研究.


Students are encouraged to apply to the MBA program at least six weeks before their desired start date. 申请人将根据以下标准进行评估:

  • a satisfactory score on the GMAT考试 or GRE (see test waiver information below)
  • 一份简历
  • 以前所有大学学习的正式成绩单
  • 在你开始MBA学习之前,你要有一个完整的学士学位
  • for International applicants: a score for the TOEFL or IELTS (English proficiency tests). 国际申请者应 在线 & 国际学生服务 附加要求.
  • 马上申请


    获得St . business学士学位的学生. Bonaventure can earn an MBA in an accelerated time frame, based on their academic record. In many cases, these students can earn their MBA in as little as one calendar year (summer, fall & 春天).

    我们还提供4+1工商管理硕士/工商管理硕士会计课程, enabling students to earn a Bachelor of Business 政府 in accounting and an MBA in five years. 在我们的 会计网站.

  • News-Publications-Research——旗帜